How to Create the Perfect Mocktail Bar for Your Next Event

Are you looking for a fun and unique way to entertain your guests at your next event? Look no further than creating a mocktail bar! Mocktails are non-alcoholic cocktails that offer all the flavor and excitement of their alcoholic counterparts, with none of the buzz. With the right ingredients, tools, and recipes on hand, you can create an unforgettable non-alcoholic experience for any occasion.

So let’s get started – here’s how to make your own perfect mocktail bar!

1. Why you should offer non-alcoholic mocktails as an alternative to cocktails

Offering mocktails as an alternative to cocktails can offer a wide range of benefits to your customers and your business. Non-alcoholic mocktails are more inclusive, allowing those who don't drink alcohol or who have limited alcohol intake to feel included in social activities. For those who do consume alcohol, non-alcoholic cocktails can be a great way to space out their drinks while still enjoying the flavors they know and love. It also gives you a way to showcase your business's creativity with unique non-alcoholic cocktail flavors that will set you apart. Offering alcohol free drinks is not only an easy way for businesses to diversify their menu options, but it is also the responsible (and profitable) choice.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of mindful drinking and the conscious reduction of alcohol consumption. People are becoming more aware of the health effects associated with regular alcohol consumption, and as a result, they are choosing to take a break from drinking or reduce their intake. Non-alcoholic cocktails provide an alternative to traditional cocktails that offer all the flavor without any of the buzz - perfect for those looking to enjoy drinks responsibly.

2. Decide on the type of mocktails you want to serve

Mocktails are a perfect way to add a special touch to any occasion. Whether it's for an intimate gathering of friends, a family get-together or a corporate event, non-alcoholic cocktails can provide the perfect range of flavors and appeal.

When deciding on the type of mocktails you want to feature at your event, consider a selection that will appeal to everyone. For instance, create non-alcoholic cocktails with an enticing blend of tropical fruits and classic cocktail ingredients such as fresh squeezed fruit juice juice or club soda. Have fun experimenting with different flavor combinations like spiced rhubarb and pineapple, or watermelon and mint. Creating alcohol free allows you to show your creativity with flavor while also providing a low-alcohol beverage option that everyone can enjoy.

Whichever non-alcoholic cocktail route you take, be sure to mix it up and surprise your guests with a well-rounded beverage selection!

Here are some of the top award winning, non-alcoholic spirits produced that you can substitute for their alcohols such as tequila, gin, whisky, rum and more.


Lyre's - founded in 2019 to replicate the world’s most popular spirits in a non-alcoholic format, each as close to the original premium volume spirit as possible.

SeedLip - on a mission to change the way the world drinks with the highest quality non-alcoholic options.

Free Spirits - through a process called Distillate Reconstruction, each one of the Free Spirits is crafted by identifying all of the raw materials, the interactions and the alchemy that give a traditional spirit its unique flavor profile.

Monday - hand made in small batches from a Southern California distillery, intended to deliver a modern cocktail experience.

Spiritless - fully distilled, full of flavor, and gives the consumer the choice to go completely Spiritless.

CleanCo - provides drinks for consumers who are looking to moderate their alcohol consumption, but not compromise on the taste that they love.

For a non-alcoholic aperitif try Ghia

For mixing a Sparkling Wine or Prosecco try N0ughty

For Non Alcoholic Bitters try - All The Bitter

For Light Tonic, Light Ginger Beer or Club Soda Try Fever Tree

3. Choose a range of garnishes and ingredients for your mocktail bar

Setting up the perfect mocktail bar starts with careful consideration of garnishes and the ingredients used. From tropical fruits like pineapple, mango and kiwi to edible flowers like lavender, rose and calendula, garnishes should be carefully selected to heighten the flavors in each cocktail. Choose garnishes that have a bright hue to make them visually appealing as well. When selecting ingredients consider organic options to create healthier drinks for your guests. Also avoid using sugary mixers in favor of more natural ingredients like freshly pressed juice or herbs for making interesting syrups and garnishing them with lemon zest or even grated cinnamon sticks. Ultimately, garnishes selected should be of high quality and add flavor to every drink without overpowering it.

One of the most popular garnishes used in cocktails are citrus fruits such as lemon, lime, and orange. The acidic juices from these fruits help to balance out the flavors of a cocktail, adding brightness and acidity to the drink. Other popular garnishes include fresh herbs like mint or basil which can add a hint of herbal flavor and aroma to a cocktail. Edible flowers like lavender and rosemary can also make an attractive addition to any drink while adding subtle floral notes that help elevate its flavor profile. Finally, ice is often used as a final touch for many drinks to add texture and keep them cold. Whatever ingredients you choose, be sure it complements your mocktail selection perfectly!

Want an easy way to serve high quality dehydrated garnishes at your next event, check out The Small Batch Cocktail Garnish Co.

4. Set up the bar with all the necessary tools and equipment

Setting up a bar with all the necessary bar tools is an essential but often overlooked element of bartending. From shakers and strainers to jiggers and bar spoons, having all the necessary bar tools on-hand helps make sure that any cocktail you create is made with precision, speed, and finesse. Bar tools are more than just time-savers; they can add presentation value to the non-alcoholic cocktails that your bar serves and add to the overall bar experience for each patron. Make sure you have all your bar tools stocked and maintained properly in order to achieve success at your bar!

A jigger is essential for measuring out exact amounts of alcohol, syrups and juices. A shaker is great for combining ingredients together that need aerating. A muddler helps extract flavor from herbs or fruits in a drink. A strainer is used to strain the contents of a cocktail into another vessel like a glass or pitcher. And lastly, bar spoons are essential for stirring and layering drinks. With all these tools on-hand you’ll be able to whip up delicious and creative mocktails in no time!

In conclusion, setting up the perfect alcohol free bar at your event requires careful consideration of garnishes, ingredients, as well as having all the necessary bar tools needed. Combining different flavors and textures is the key to creating memorable non-alcoholic drinks that your guests will love. With a bit of creativity and effort, your non-alcoholic bar will be the highlight of any gathering!

From drink prep to cleaning & storage, Kegworks has all the bar tools and equipment you need to make your mocktail bar a huge success.

5. Create a list of recipes for each mocktail option

Looking for mocktail recipes? Check out our comprehensive list of mocktail recipes available here! From tangy mock mimosas and mock Bloody Marys to cooling mock daiquiris, we have something for every mocktail connoisseur. Our mocktail recipes use a variety of ingredients and can be adjusted to suit any palate. Whether you are hosting a mocktail hour or just wanting to try something new, these recipes are sure to please. All you need is a little creativity to transform your favorite ingredients into delicious mocktail concoctions!

With proper preparation you can make all of these classic cocktail recipes into delicious great tasting mocktails.

1. Rum Punch: This Caribbean classic is made with non-alcoholic rum, Sobreo Guatemalan Cardamom, pineapple, lime and orange juice, mint, and soda water.

2. Margarita: This favorite from Mexico is a blend of non-alcoholic tequila, Sobreo Valencia Orange, lime juice, and salt on the rim of the glass.

3. Old Fashioned: A mix of non-alcoholic whiskey, Sobreo Indonesian Cinnamon, served over ice with a cherry garnish.

4. Tom Collins: A tall drink made from non-alcoholic gin, Sobreo Tuscan Juniper, Lemon Juice and Club Soda and topped with a maraschino cherry for an extra sweet treat!

5. Espresso Martini: A combination of flavoured non-alcoholic vodka, Sobreo Vietnamese Star Anise and coffee.

6. Negroni: This classic is a mix of non-alcoholic gin, Sobreo French Gentian, and non-alcoholic aperitif.

6. Prepare the ingredients before guests arrive

Preparing the bar and non-alcoholic ingredients before guests arrive is one of the most important aspects of hosting an enjoyable gathering. Having every item easily accessible ensures that all bar selections can be created as quickly and as efficiently as possible without any disruption to the party atmosphere. To ensure success, it is best to prepare all components ahead of time, including making sure enough ice cubes are ready in the bar's ice bucket. This strategy allows hosts to confidently attend to their guests and easily craft a variety of bar orders without worry or delay.

Here is an easy to use checklist to make sure you are properly prepared.

1. Make sure to have all the necessary ingredients and tools ready, including non-alcoholic spirits, Sobreo, juices, garnishes and of course bar tools like a jigger, shaker and strainer.

2. Ensure that the bar is well-stocked with ice cubes in an ice bucket or cooler for quick access when making drinks.

3. Prepare fresh fruits such as lemons and limes are properly prepared for garnishing non-alcoholic cocktails as needed.

4. Have a variety of Sobreo mixers available in addition to other mixers such as club soda and light tonic water to add extra flavorings to drinks.

5. Keep an array of mugs and tumblers on hand so guests can enjoy their mocktail in the appropriate glass

7. Tell Your Friends It's Mocktails Only

The best way to tell your friends that you will not be serving alcohol at your next party is by sending an email or message in advance. This way, everyone can plan accordingly and have the opportunity to bring their own non-alcoholic beverages in case they don't want to enjoy your mocktails. It's also a good idea to include some information about why you are choosing not to serve alcohol, such as wanting to create a safe environment or just wanting to try something new. Making sure everyone knows ahead of time will help ensure that your guests are comfortable with the decision and still looking forward to the gathering!

You can also add a signature non-alcoholic cocktail or two at your bar as a way of showing your guests that you appreciate their decision not to drink alcohol. Creating personalized drinks with Sobreo that are named after the event can be a great way of making it special and giving people something delicious to sip on all night long! By being thoughtful and creative in how you serve non-alcoholic cocktails, you can ensure that your party will still be one for the books - minus the booze!

Installing signs at your bar is a great way to ensure that your guests are aware of all the mocktail options available to them. Not only can you list all of your mocktail beverages, but you can also provide non-alcoholic cocktail recipes for those who might want to try something new. Customers will appreciate seeing the mocktails distinctively labeled, making it easier for them to locate what speaks to them most! Providing these extra touches for customers shows that their experience matters most and that you’re open to making sure their night is enjoyable from start to finish.

8. Have fun creating new combinations and experimenting with different flavors!

Crafting mocktails can be an incredibly fun and refreshing way to mix up your beverage routine. Experimenting with different flavors, aromas, and textures is a wonderful way to encourage creativity and enjoy drinks that are uniquely tailored for yourself. From the traditional non-alcoholic cocktail classics like NOgroni or non-alcoholic margaritas, to all-new creations that combine the classic tastes of fruit juices and fresh produce - alcohol free cocktails provide the perfect opportunity to have creative freedom without compromising on deliciousness. If you're looking for something alcohol free, alcohol free cocktails allow you to enjoy flavorful versions of all your favorite cocktails without any alcohol!

Try new ingredients and techniques to craft the perfect mocktails for your tastes. With so many options, the possibilities are truly endless!

We hope this checklist helps ensure that your next party is a huge success! Happy mocktail-ing!


Mocktails provide a fun and unique way to enjoy drinks that contain no alcohol. From creating classic non-alcoholic cocktail recipes to experimenting with all-new flavor combinations, non-alcoholic cocktail creations can add an extra layer of excitement and creativity to any gathering or night out. Whether you are stocking your bar with the necessary tools or providing signs for customers to easily identify what’s available, make sure that you prioritize a great customer experience when setting up your bar. With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to start crafting truly delicious non-alcoholic cocktails for friends, family, and patrons alike!

By following these guidelines, you'll be able to have a successful mocktail set-up so everyone can enjoy!

Sobreo, the cocktail mix that can be mixed in mocktails as well because it's 100% alcohol free

For your next mocktail event, make sure to use Sobreo Mixers! With clean, organic ingredients and unique flavors, our mixers are perfect for creating delicious non-alcoholic cocktails. Get creative and show off some of your best creations using Sobreo. Enjoy a night with friends without the worry of overindulging - try Sobreo Mixers today!

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